OrthoSpine NY


Dr. Victor Katz, M.D F.A.A.O.S
Spine Surgeon
  • Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure where medical-grade bone cement is injected into a fractured vertebra. This stabilizes the bone and can provide pain relief for individuals with vertebral compression fractures, often caused by osteoporosis.
Need for Medical Attention
  • Patients with severe back pain due to vertebral compression fractures may require vertebroplasty. It is considered when conservative measures such as pain medications and bracing are insufficient.
  • How long does it take for vertebroplasty to relieve pain?

Pain relief can be immediate or occur over a few days as the cement hardens and stabilizes the fractured vertebra.

  • Are there risks associated with vertebroplasty?

Risks are generally low, but potential complications include infection, nerve injury, or leakage of cement into surrounding tissues.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and understand all the stages of your treatment.

Experience & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and an understanding of all the stages of your treatment.

Expertise & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

With OrthoSpine NY, you understand the best path to a pain-free life

You understand the step-by-step journey with us to a pain-free life. After a careful diagnostic analysis, Dr. Victor Katz studies the best course of treatment, always with your best interests in mind. Our mission is to provide you with a pain-free life so that you can do what you love best with the ones you love.

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