OrthoSpine NY


Dr. Victor Katz, M.D F.A.A.O.S
Spine Surgeon
  • Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, typically caused by compression or irritation. This nerve runs from the lower back through the buttocks and down each leg. Sciatica can result from various conditions, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.
Need for Medical Attention
  • Medical attention is necessary if individuals experience persistent, sharp pain, numbness, or weakness along the sciatic nerve pathway. Treatment may include physical therapy, medications, or, in severe cases, surgical intervention.
  • Can sciatica be prevented?

While some factors are beyond control, maintaining good posture, regular exercise, and avoiding prolonged sitting can help reduce the risk.

  • What are non-surgical treatment options?

Non-surgical treatments may include anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and epidural steroid injections.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and understand all the stages of your treatment.

Experience & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and an understanding of all the stages of your treatment.

Expertise & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

With OrthoSpine NY, you understand the best path to a pain-free life

You understand the step-by-step journey with us to a pain-free life. After a careful diagnostic analysis, Dr. Victor Katz studies the best course of treatment, always with your best interests in mind. Our mission is to provide you with a pain-free life so that you can do what you love best with the ones you love.

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