OrthoSpine NY


Dr. Victor Katz, M.D F.A.A.O.S
Spine Surgeon
  • Spondylosis refers to the degeneration of the spine, often involving the intervertebral discs, facet joints, and ligaments. This natural aging process can lead to the development of osteoarthritis in the spine, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility.
Need for Medical Attention
  • Medical attention is necessary when spondylosis causes significant pain, limits mobility, or leads to neurological symptoms. Treatment may involve physical therapy, pain management, and in severe cases, surgical interventions.
  • Can spondylosis be prevented?

While some degree of spondylosis is a normal part of aging, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and proper posture can help minimize its impact.

  • What are non-surgical treatments for spondylosis?

Non-surgical options include medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to manage pain and improve function.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and understand all the stages of your treatment.

Experience & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

Personal Care

You will receive individualized care and an understanding of all the stages of your treatment.

Expertise & Technology

A less invasive approach, with extensive use of technology, for those who have seen thousands of patients in over 30 years of experience.

With OrthoSpine NY, you understand the best path to a pain-free life

You understand the step-by-step journey with us to a pain-free life. After a careful diagnostic analysis, Dr. Victor Katz studies the best course of treatment, always with your best interests in mind. Our mission is to provide you with a pain-free life so that you can do what you love best with the ones you love.

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